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Lesson plan on the grammar structure “First (Real) Conditionals”


I decided to share my draft of a lesson plan on the grammar structure “First (Real) Conditionals”. This structure seems challenging to my students, because if they want to express a future action in an if-clause they have to use Present Simple. As soon as they get the meaning, form and use of Real Conditional, they will be able to understand and use other Conditionals.

Stage 1. Lead–in.

The teacher reviews Present Simple and Future Simple by asking questions about the activities they prefer to do on weekends. (It’s for the purpose the students remember the forms and meaning of these tenses)

T:      -   What do you usually do on weekends?

  • Where do you go on weekends?
  • Do you play football on weekends?
  • Does your friend play football too? Etc.

T:      -   What will you do next weekend?

  • Where will you go?
  • Will you take your friends with you? etc.

Stage 2. Presentation of First (Real) conditional

The teacher tells the students about his/her plans for the coming weekend using First (Real) Conditional.

The teacher: As you know, the weather is very changeable in our region. That is why I have two options for my weekend. If the weather is hot and sunny, I will go to the lake. I will swim and have a picnic if the weather is nice.  But if the weather is rainy, I will stay home. I will read books if the weather is bad.

The teacher writes two sentences on the board.

If the weather is hot and sunny, I will go to the lake.

I will read books if the weather is bad.

The teacher asks the questions:

  • Does this question refer to the present, past or future? (future)
  • How many parts does the sentence have? (two)
  • Can we exchange the two parts of the sentences? (Yes)
  • What tense is used after IF(When)? (present Simple)

Students work in groups and try to form the new grammar structure about actions that may happen under the definite circumstances.


Stage 3. Practice.

The strategy “Think, pair and share” is used.

The students think and write 4-6 sentences using first Conditional to talk about their plans for the coming weekend. They follow the examples:

If the weather is sunny and hot, I will …

I will … if the weather is rainy.

Then in pairs they share their ideas and check the form of a structure.

Working in groups they find a person who has the same plans for the coming weekend.

At the end the students are given online liveworksheets: https://www.liveworksheets.com/pk180q


Kissanova  Zairakul, English teacher








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Жаңартылған күні: 25.02.2022 13:14
Құрылған күні: 25.02.2022 13:21
