"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Атбасар ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Атбасар қаласының  № 3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа №3 города Атбасар отдела образования по Атбасарскому району управления образования по Акмолинской области» 





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England is famous for its great poet Shakespeare, now we will tell you about him


1. Thanks to William Shakespeare, the English vocabulary has increased by 1700-4200 new words. And this is really a very big contribution to the English language.


2. William Shakespeare's children were twins:a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, his son died in early childhood, but his daughter lived a very long life for that time. Shakespeare very often used the theme of twins in his works, Most likely, most likely, the fact is that he himself was the father of twins.


3. William Shakespeare's vocabulary was very impressive in its volume: about 20 to 25 thousand words. For comparison, modern English writers use no more than 4,000 words for writing.


4. William Shakespeare was born on April 23 and he also died on April 23. He lived for 52 years, which was also very good for that time.


5. Books written by William Shakespeare rank second in citation after the Bible.


6. Few people know, but most of the satellites around the planet Uranus are named after characters in Shakespeare's works.

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Жаңартылған күні: 24.11.2023 08:34
Құрылған күні: 24.11.2023 08:35
